Menstrual cramps? Go ahead and eat dark chocolate, says Dr Snehal Adsule.
Yogini and wellness entrepreneur Radhika Iyer Talati tells you how simple modifications in your lifestyle can help you lead a healthy life.
The research has found that people with a higher caffeine intake, from sources such as coffee, tea and caffeinated energy drinks, are more likely to report hallucinatory experiences such as hearing voices and seeing things that are not there. 'High caffeine users' can be defined as those individuals who consume more than the equivalent of seven cups of instant coffee a day.
A deep peaceful sleep gives your heart and blood vessels a chance to rest and recover lowering your pulse and blood pressure.
Increasing age, declining metabolism and weight gain contributes to high blood pressure, leading to heart diseases, warns Dr Naresh Trehan.
'Due to lack of physical activity and proper care, senior citizens are falling at home or complaining of orthopaedic injuries,' cautions Dr Rajeev Verma.
Never in the history of the earth have human beings been more exposed to toxins than we are in these times. Detoxification is the need of the hour and is a major component of good health.
A recent study has found that drinking a cup of coffee can stimulate 'brown fat', the body's own fat-fighting defences, which can fight against obesity and diabetes.
Embrace a daily sport. Cook and eat your meals with love. Ditch the pills. Hydrate well.
Read on to find out the benefit of replacing coffee with more alkaline foods.
Include nutritious food in your diet. Avoid alcohol. Take your last meal at least 3 hours before bedtime.
Caffeine is a bronchodilator that may improve airflow, says Pavithra N Raj.
The beverage is mainly targeted at the upwardly mobile youth and will be available in 250 ml cans and 300 ml per bottles, both priced at Rs 50.
Siddhartha many customers who grew up on coffee and conversations at his cafes mourned his death and disagreed that he had failed. Some said it was the place they first thought of their 'big idea'.
Weak bones are fragile. In such cases, even the smallest shock to the body caused by a minor fall or sudden movement can cause a serious fracture, says Maninder Shah Singh.
Consuming alcohol during pregnancy can majorly impact your baby's overall development. Children with foetal alcohol syndrome may have problems with their vision, hearing, memory, attention span, warns Dr Anagha Karkhanis.
These tips will help you minimise your doctor visits.
Did you know that coffee drinkers are classified based on their caffeine sensitivity?
A good night's sleep helps remove stress and anxiety.
Even 30 minutes of exercising daily is known to balance hormones, manage stress, and manage weight to the best, says Dr Manoj Kutteri.
Most women tend to prioritise their work and family over health, till the time their body starts giving up, says Luke Coutinho.
The arrival of your baby releases all the added pressure from your bladder along with the frequent urge to pee. But your body still requires time to recuperate.
Quit smoking, cut down your caffeine intake and spend more time with your family.
Getting enough sleep can be tricky.
Caffeine, the drug that gives coffee its kick, works differently, depending on the consumer's weight, gender, hormonal shifts and a variety of other factors.
Your habits could affect your prostate health.
Komal Manshani decodes stress and highlights tips to manage it.
Don't miss the hottest buzz in the world of fashion and entertainment.
You might be unintentionally harming yourself.
The researchers said that daily consumption of caffeine in coffee, tea or soft drinks raises blood sugar levels for people with Type 2 diabetes and might undermine efforts to control their disease.
Hemant Kadam tells us how he sacrificed his love for unhealthy junk food and changed his lifestyle to be fitter and lighter.
'The biggest myth is that one can achieve six packs by working out for six months and taking supplements and steroids.'
It does have a few side effects, just like ordinary tea or coffee.
You could be suffering from sleep paralysis, says Dr Lancelot Mark Pinto.
Depression is not just a state of mind, it is a disease. Here's how to fight it.
Keep hunger and mindless snacking at bay with these 9 foods that will help you feeling full, for a longer time.
These should be your go-to food for slimming down.
Time unkindly has a sole endeavour: To drag the person, whose death you are mourning, further and further away from your presence, to some far edge of your falsely anesthetised mind. So your memories are drained of colour, growing faint and grainy. You are left with a more and more distant recollections of that person, their laugh, their embrace, their voice and the moments surrounding their final departure. Vaihayasi P Daniel mourns her beloved father who passed away one December morning last year.